Fictional Ad man and honorary marketing god, Don Draper has plenty to say on the subject, and when he talks, we listen!
Don Draper Moments of Marketing Wisdom
The true greats of advertising and marketing understand that attitude counts for a great deal.

Strictly speaking, “Marketing” wasn’t around for much of the time spanned by TV’s Mad Men. Things were simpler then, it was just advertising.
And yet, it serves well to help us look back to see how we got where we are. Our 50 Years of visionary Sci Fi Computer Interface Design infographic was a good example of that.
Marketing grew out of advertising. It was an inevitable and evolutionary change, driven by the need to understand audiences better to get more effective results from advertising content.
Now, it’s almost inseparable.
So, from advertising, marketing evolves. Marketing spawned digital. Web design, SEO, Mobile Apps – they’re all standing on Don’s shoulders.
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