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The Sci-Fi Timeline

Which came first, the sci-fi chicken or the (alien) egg?

We're all used to seeing movies and games set in the future, but often the date can seem a bit abstract.

We've brought together some of our favourites to show you the timeline and where they all fit. There were some surprises!

See for yourself, and decide if the writers got it right!

The Sci-Fi TImeline infographic

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You may have guessed that as an infographic design agency, Glow love Science Fiction and Infographics, so its hardly surprising that we brought them together for the Sci Fi timeline.

If you like this one, you may also like our other infographics and in particular, our 50 years of visionary sci-fi computer interface designs.

Glow is a leading Web Design Liverpool, App Development and Digital Marketing Agency, so maybe you'd like us to create some content or infographics for you? Get in touch

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