The third round of Glow's HealthTech Prototyper has been won by The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.
The application was led by Dr Abhijit Das, a Consultant at the Walton Centre who cares for neurology patients, and Dr Andrew Rose, Head of Commercial Engagement and Marketing.
Dr. Andrew Rose, above with main image, Dr Abhijit Das, courtesy of Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Das holds multiple patents in neuro-engineering and a commitment to improving patient care through the use of Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies.
The Walton ‘NeuroBot’ will enhance patient care and drive efficiencies, supporting NHS cost improvements and other programmes of work. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, hospitals, including The Walton centre, have had to reduce the amount of face to face appointments significantly, and diversify how patients access services.
The NHS also needs to reduce the number of patients who do not attend appointments which, even before COVID-19, were estimated to cost the NHS £1bn annually (in 2018).
The prototype to be developed by Glow will focus on how the Trust helps patients to attend appointments.
The judges from UCL Partners, KSS AHSN, Innovation Agency, STFC, Hill Dickinson, Brunswick Medical, Datalla, AIMES and Health Foundry were particularly impressed with the detailed vision of the solution and the capability of the team to execute.
The Healthtech UX prototyper competition is open for the next round.