eCommerce is key to developing their business and accessing vital export markets.
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Greyhound Chromatography
Leading supplier of specialist laboratory equipment and chromatography consumables, Greyhound Chromatography are global exporters.

The Brief
Greyhound Chromatography needed to replace their existing website which fell short of delivering working ecommerce facilities.
Greyhound needed a robust, high-end ecommerce website to cope with their 30,000 plus product range.
Most importantly, the new solution needed to offer a search facility which would revolutionise the way their customers find the products they need. Searching for chemicals can be difficult and frustrating because any chemical might have more than 4 different names.

The Result
Glow created a powerful ecommerce platform which now sells upwards of 30,000 products with more being added all the time.
The search facility enables customers to search for chemicals based on whichever scientific nomenclature that they favour – the search results are still relevant.
This is now one of the most powerful specialty chemical searches in the industry.
Infinitely better than before. We Love it!
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