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Speaking Truth Unto Power

Helping to lead across teams, gently and effectively.

Speaking truth unto power, with integrity. Delivering outcomes with patience and dedication. These things are not second to technology, but necessary precursors.

Pencils & Swiss Army Knives

Some of the more successful mobile apps have one clear, defined single purpose.

They tend to do one thing extraordinarily well, much like a pencil. Of course, there are others which are more like swiss army knives, but lacking specialization tend to be average at a range of tasks. 

NGPod in use
NGPod training screen
NGPod training material

The NGPod app

View the case study

Mobile App Distributed Architecture

Most serious apps involve many separate pieces of software, all tied together in some way.

For example, enterprise apps often rely on four mobile apps eg. (iOS:Customer, iOS:Staff, Android:Customer, Android:Staff), AND middleware, ASP.NET web system, plus integrations to third party systems such as Patient Records, Geo Positioning, FinTech or proprietary Internet of Things (IoT) Booking hardware.

Bringing these elements together in the best way is what we mean by mobile app architecture.

Choosing Glow as your enterprise mobile app developer brings you a team experienced in planning and delivering architecture at this level, bringing interoperability and confidence that it will continue to work at scale.

Closeup of a smartphone

Mobile App, Software, Data and Hosting Security

Security rarely gets more vital than medical information or financial records and we’re used to working with both.

Choosing solutions appropriate for your needs requires experience and judgment. Clients rely on our guidance to get this right over the long term.

Closeup of a laptop


Sometimes it’s desirable to involve third party validation experts.

Depending on the scale of your ambition, we’re quite used to independent validation, for example, working  with The National Physical Laboratory who run the UK’s atomic clock, in validating the speed and effectiveness of our software.

Image used with Lind permission of National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

Time Frequency measuring device Hed D

Software Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Glow takes pride in rigorous quality control which we apply to all releases we ship.

Whilst not all clients wish to budget for the same degree of testing (and not all projects require it), our basic QA delivers outstanding quality and we’re happy to fit in with your scale and ambition, whatever it might be. 

Closeup of code

Native / HTML Mobile Apps

There’s two ways of developing mobile apps. The simplest is to create the mobile app in a similar way to a website, then wrap it up as an app and deploy it into the various App stores, which is cost effective, limited and best suited to simpler mobile app development.

Where time and budget allow, fully “native” mobile apps will always be more powerful, robust and generally more usable. They’re quicker, more stable and more powerful. Bear in mind that this approach means developing a totally separate app for each platform eg. Android App, iPhone App, Blackberry App. There’s more information about Mobile App Development in our infographic.

Do you need help in deciding which is best for you?  

Frictionless payment

Pre-authorised card payments

Push notifications

Create a new channel direct to device


Natural, easy to use interface

Great audio

Smartphones are now a default music device

Great video

Apps can use live video from the device

Channel to market

App stores make publishing easy, with access to millions


Smartphones are as personal as it gets


app knows device orientation / movement

Great photos

Cameras can capture geotagged photo direct to app / web


Typical smartphones are powerful enough even for real-time video manipulation

All our Services

We’re proud of our work and proud of our clients. Here is a small selection of what we do and who we work with.